[mf2012] Act 0 'Omen' - Reading Group - April Friday 13

rachelbaker at irational.org rachelbaker at irational.org
Wed Apr 11 14:17:56 CEST 2012

(just re- announcing the Reading Group for those who missed it - let me
know if you want to join the Facebook group)

“And you all know security, Is mortals' chiefest enemy”.
Hecate, The Tragedy of Macbeth

As part of the Moving Forest event in July  the 'Hecate's Prophecies'
Reading Group is being established. The intention is to explore the figure
of the witch, magic and the idea of the self-fulfilling prophecy, a key
Macbethian theme and also a core logic of cybernetic
systems. The reading list is currently, but not limited to:-

- The witches soliloquies in Macbeth
- Caliban and The Witch by Silvia Federici
- Witch Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Murray
- On Seduction by Baudrillard
- A General Theory of Magic by Marcel Mauss
- Zeroes + Ones : Digital Women and the New Technoculture by Sadie Plant
- The Telephone Book by Avital Ronell

First meeting is Friday April 13th, 6.30pm
Autonomy Club at Freedom bookshop, Angel Alley, Whitechapel
We'll be reading the witches soliloquies in Macbeth and preparing for

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