[mf2012] Mapping moving forests

rachelbaker at irational.org rachelbaker at irational.org
Tue May 1 02:54:01 CEST 2012

Hi Saul, thanks for your mail, am looking forward to Anthony's response

> So finally, my point is that although it might be seen as an act of
> self-sabotage in the political long term, Rachel's vanguardist approach
> has an immediacy to it that is worth pursuing *and* critiqing, but maybe
> in that order - do first - then try to figure out the implications, in
> the way that Os der ikke findes were doing in their post-mortem
> discussions and missives after the street party in Copenhagen:
> http://www.metamute.org/community/your-posts/explosive-force-freedom
Well, do first and think later is very much Shu-lea's plan of attack with
MF and I would nervously agree, albeit with a strong element of the
'conversational' affordancies in place as we go.
An accident precipitating more accidents would be my favoured form of
breach or insurgency but you can't plan an accident...unless you are
Buster Keaton.

> And echoing Shu-lea's early call for some kind of involvement with OSM,
> I think that's a very good idea - possibly using similar strategies to
> Jakob's workshop - or otherwise allying the project with an information
> infrastructure that has a form that is recognisably conversational.
Hmmm, I wonder what that could be....:)

> --
> mob: +44(0)7941255210 / @saul
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