[mf2012] emegency? call

marc at anorg.net marc at anorg.net
Wed Jun 27 22:32:32 CEST 2012

Dear all

Apparently wer arrived to early :) Any idea where patric and me can find a
bed, no confort needed, rooftop is a plus. Please send Text to +41 76 566
44 56, wer would be happy. Guess for tomorow wer have a bed. So emergency
sleep over info welcome. Any Tip welcome. Cheers marc
> Dear all,
> We're started up our Moving Forest adaptation of our x_msg software today
> -
> HEX_MSG.  Please join!  Information is below.
> Alexandra Joensson and Cliff Hammett
> *---------*
> **
> *Machbeth to witch 1.*
> Say from whence
> You owe this strange intelligence, or why
> Upon this blasted heath you stop our way
> With such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you.
> *Witches vanish.*
> For Moving Forest <http://mf2012.anorg.net/london2012/>, hex_msg will
> recite/regurgitate Mathew Fuller?s 500
> Slogans<http://www.movingforest.net/html/slogans-london.html>by
> parasiting on networked text messaging. It?s a software machine that
> interweaves user text messages with prophetic insurgent soundbites between
> 26th of July and the 5th July. Through its algorithmic intelligence, it
> seeks connections with the information sent through it, then spits out
> slogans in response, masquerading them as messages from people on the
> networks.
> *You fuckers.*
> *This is a brutal definition.*
> *We can take over this signal.*
> *We can eat this street.*
> Join the hexmsg network to participate. Gain underground information,
> co-ordinate, communicate, distribute strange intelligence. Or, set up your
> own network between co-conspirators, disparate agitators, friends and
> family, mums or babies ? it is of course free! and you can text any

> network
> however big, for the cost of one SMS.
> Join the main network by texting the following to 07999 056 794
> @hexmsg
> To set up you own network send an SMS with a @ followed by the name of
> your
> network. Example:
> @queersunday
> Others can join it in the same way. You can leave any network by sending
> an
> SMS with an & followed by the the name of the network e.g &queersunday
> Please read the following information about the machine:
>    - Each individual is completely anonymous, no user names, members of
> the
>    network form an unidentifiable mass.
>    - Anyone with the telephone number for the system can create a new
>    network.
>    - You only receive messages networks you have already joined
>    - All information from networks will be archived and used in no other
>    relation than the hex_msg project for Moving Forest 2012. Any personal
> data
>    will be deleted.
> For more information on the history of the software behind hex_msg, please
> visit http://www.xmsg.org.uk
> _______________________________________________
> List mailing list
> List at movingforest.net
> http://lists.movingforest.net/mailman/listinfo/list

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