[mf2012] HEX_MSG - an SMS server for Moving Forest

Clifford Hammett clifford.hammett at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 19:26:25 CEST 2012

Dear all,

We're started up our Moving Forest adaptation of our x_msg software today -
HEX_MSG.  Please join!  Information is below.

Alexandra Joensson and Cliff Hammett
*Machbeth to witch 1.*

Say from whence
You owe this strange intelligence, or why
Upon this blasted heath you stop our way
With such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you.

*Witches vanish.*

For Moving Forest <http://mf2012.anorg.net/london2012/>, hex_msg will
recite/regurgitate Mathew Fuller’s 500
parasiting on networked text messaging. It’s a software machine that
interweaves user text messages with prophetic insurgent soundbites between
26th of July and the 5th July. Through its algorithmic intelligence, it
seeks connections with the information sent through it, then spits out
slogans in response, masquerading them as messages from people on the

*You fuckers.*
*This is a brutal definition.*
*We can take over this signal.*
*We can eat this street.*

Join the hexmsg network to participate. Gain underground information,
co-ordinate, communicate, distribute strange intelligence. Or, set up your
own network between co-conspirators, disparate agitators, friends and
family, mums or babies – it is of course free! and you can text any network
however big, for the cost of one SMS.

Join the main network by texting the following to 07999 056 794


To set up you own network send an SMS with a @ followed by the name of your
network. Example:


Others can join it in the same way. You can leave any network by sending an
SMS with an & followed by the the name of the network e.g &queersunday

Please read the following information about the machine:

   - Each individual is completely anonymous, no user names, members of the
   network form an unidentifiable mass.
   - Anyone with the telephone number for the system can create a new
   - You only receive messages networks you have already joined
   - All information from networks will be archived and used in no other
   relation than the hex_msg project for Moving Forest 2012. Any personal data
   will be deleted.

For more information on the history of the software behind hex_msg, please
visit http://www.xmsg.org.uk
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