[mf2012] building towards a network insurgency

shu lea cheang shulea at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 24 09:56:34 CET 2012

hi, josie

thanks for bringing up this thread.

I am interested in Gordan Saviãiç's work,

a city as a CPU...  I would go direct into more methodic approach, if
we would interprete ' transgressive social communication',  how
does it situate with today's social network tools? and strategically,
the openstreetmap scheme?


>Hi Shu Lea and Forest Movers,
>On the question of building towards a network insurgency.... the
>following extract from 2 Red Brigade splitters is really interesting. I
>picked this up in Tiqqun's This is Not a Program which you can download
>from the web.  The text is from Renato Curcio and Alberto Franceschini's
>'Drops of Sun in the City of Specters', written in the early 80s. They
>seem not only to have fully clocked the securitization of the cybernetic
>city (obviously because they were classed as terrorists themselves), but
>also the capture of communication, its paradoxical splitting from
>speech. They talk about developing a transgressive social communication
>as a way to create an invisible, becoming progressively visible, revolt.
>Anyhow, thought it might tickle something.
>x Josie

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